Glutathione detox update

I’m on my second cycle of the detox. It didn’t start off so good. Monday I was absolutely exhausted, despite wearing both the Glutathione and the Energy patches. But this could be part of the detox symptoms which I experienced none of during the first 5 day detox. Tuesday I didn’t wear any patches and was exhausted, and today I’ve got them both on again.

It’s going to be hard to say whether they are helping my energy levels or not, until I’ve at least done the detox 3 times and worn the patches for an additional 2-3 weeks. I won’t draw any conclusions until then.

There are simply too many people and too much research in favour of this treatment for me to not give it a real go. But this is why I’m reporting my progress here. It’s not a cheap treatment. Approx $70-140 US /month depending on what you choose. It’s the kind of money that many unwell people don’t have. However, if you KNOW it will work you can priorities. So I’m using myself as a guiniepig for your benefit.

Will as per usual keep you posted.

Health & Happiness,

Quick Glutathione detox update

I’ve finished the 5 day detox, but have just found out that I should do it 3 times in a row with a 2 day break in between each one. So I will be startingthe second detox cycle on Saturday.

Yesterday I only wore the energy patches and I didn’t feel as good, but I saw my doctor and she said you really should muscle test the placement of the patches each time you apply them. I don’t know how to do this, but I will be seeing my kinesiologist this Saturday so we’ll see.

I know I haven’t done the kinesiology update yet, as I promised but Penny has been so booked out with this new approach she’s using that we haven’t had a chance to talk.

Back to the Glutathione patches though. I have to say I was extremely sceptical. It’s not that I didn’t think they could work. I just didn’t think they would work for me, as nothing ever does, it seems. But I have definitely had more energy and more constant energy since I’ve been wearing the patches. It’s quite remarkable.

But of course it could just be my natural CFS rythem. I often go through good and bad periods. So it is really still to early to say conclusively that the treatment works.

I’m going away for 10 days at the beginning of July, to visit my uncle and his family. It will be intereting to see how I manage this. While I’m really excited about the trip, travelling usually really takes it out of me. It shall be a good test.

I will keep you posted as I go. Stay tuned.

Health & Happiness,

Glutathione treatment: update so far

I’m on my 3rd day of the treatment. I had just become unwell with a cold the day before I started with the patches. When I get sick with a bug, my energy plummets more than usual. But both today and yesterday I’ve been out and about and doing some shopping and I seemed to have managed just fine. That’s good for me on a normal day, but while also having a cold, I think it might just be the patches. It is too soon to say of course, but it’s just my initial observation.

I’m currently doing the 5 day detox with the glutathione/carnesine and energy patches.

Detox symptoms are common, and are similar to cold and flu symptoms so it’s hard to say whether I’m experiencing any. And usually it would take longer than a couple of days to start feeling more energetic, but this can vary greatly.

That’s really all I can tell you right now. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Health & Happiness,

Re Glutathione Treatment

I attended the info session regarding the Glutathione, and it truly sounds amazing. Yes it does sound too good to be true for sure. Which is why I will be trying the treatment myself and then report the results here. I fully trust my friend Grace to tell me the truth and she is using this new treatment and feels amazing. She says she feels like a 20 year old again, and has more energy than she’s had in years.

I didn’t waste a minute ordering the product as soon as the session was over. So I should have it in my hands within a week. It isn’t cheap, but then there are certainly more expensive things out there, and if it gives you your life back, well then I say it’s definitely worth it.

Now, I’m not going to tell you what it is just yet. I want to know that it works for me first. It seems to have had amazing results on lots of people, but I’ll believe it when it works on me.

Now you might think that I might not be a very objective test subject, or perhaps what may seem like significant improvement, is merely a placebo effect. But to that, I’ll say this. If I was prone to the placebo effect, I’d be well by now! I have tried so many different things, and nothing has worked for me. I’ve even told others about some of the things I’ve tried, and it’s worked on them but not on me. Needless to say, it’s been a little bitter sweet seeing friends get well using a treatment, approach or product I’ve told them about after it’s failed to work for me.

I rarely cheerfully tell people that I’m feeling better, mainly because I don’t want to jinks any efforts, and don’t want to have to be the one to later tell them I’m worse again. Don’t get me wrong I think I’m pretty positive considering what I’ve been through. I stay as positive as I can as that will only aid in my efforts to get well. I may be open and willing to try most things in my attempts to get well, but I’m not that quick to agree any particular thing is making a significant difference.

So you see, I’m the perfect test subject. If I can get well, so can you. And if a treatment works on me, it can most definitely work for you too.

So stay tuned, as I keep you updated on my progress with this new treatment.

Health & Happiness,


Amazing CFS treatment – Glutathione

My friend Grace Delaney has just dropped in to see me, and she was so excited she could hardly contain herself. Grace who has similar health problem to me, hormone imbalance, chronic fatigue, depression etc, is a bit of an activist when it comes to health issues. She is always reading the latest book or researching the newest treatment, she’s in touch with many of the better doctors.

There’s this new research that points to the fact that people with CFS, depression, Altziemers, parkinsons etc etc are deficient in Glutathione.

The thing is you can’t take it orally, but patches have been developed which are apparently amazing. I know, I know, “apparently amazing” isn’t very convincing. But Grace who isn’t afraid to give everything a shot, has tried them herself with amazing results. Not only that, she’s tried it on others she knows with CFS like symptoms or chronic pain, and she’s seen it work before her eyes.

She’s been trying to help me for several years now, so naturally she dropped by to tell me the exciting news. Tomorrow an Adelaide doctor, who is into this new treatment will have an info session, which I’ll be attending.

I can’t tell you more than that now, but I will be sure to give you all the details once I have them.

So stay tuned.


If you’re feeling left out or marginalized, spare a thought…

It just occurred to me that I seem to be a non-conformist by nature. Not because I want to be different. Quite the opposite. But rather that I continue to find myself in the misunderstood minority. Politically, religiously, and socially, in a sense also culturally and ethnically.

I’ve never especially wanted to be different in order to be eccentric or quirky. I’m actually kind of scared to stand out. It would be so easy to be part of the accepted majority, whatever it might be. Then I could feel like I belonged somewhere, that I was accepted.

But I don’t like doing things just because someone else says I should. I don’t like being told what to do or how to live.

Even peer pressure didn’t sway me to drink alcohol when out with friends, and here in Australia the social norm is that binge drinking is accepted and in certain circles even expected. I would be out with friends who drank a lot, but they could never persuade me to drink if I didn’t want to. In fact I would drink water most of the time, as I’m not fond of sweet drinks. The drinking thing was easy. It didn’t make me feel left out.

Politically, most of us belong to either of the two main parties. Either you’re left wing or right wing. In most developed countries at least, it tends to be centre or right, or just to the right, and more to the right. I vote pretty much as far left as I can here in Australia, which means I’m a Greenie. They are social democrats, not communists. They are not radical, just sensible I think. The reason I vote for them is because their main concern is the environment, and they believe in transparent and accountable governing. Now, the Greens are not particularly non-conformist these days. I do have friends and family who vote for them too. But they are still a minority.

I suppose I’m also non-conformist ethnically and culturally. My mother is Polish and my father Afghan, and I was born and raised in Sweden. Back in the 70s-80s, but perhaps even today, in Sweden it was not very common to see a white mother with dark children. Of course I didn’t realize this as a child and it didn’t really affect me at all. I always felt Swedish. When as a 14 year old, we then moved to Australia, I was a half Pole, half Afghan from Sweden living in Australia. Now there’s a minority right there. But rather than unusual, I like to call it interesting or exotic. But a minority non-the-less. Being from across the world I often felt different and misunderstood at school, despite Sweden and Australia seeming quite similar on the surface.

Religiously I’m definitely in the controversial minority. This is actually what got me thinking about the fact that I’m a non-conformist. I had a conversation with a friend last week about an expo I planned to attend that weekend. The Adelaide Mind, Body & Psychic Expo. My friend is Christian, and she wasn’t that keen on me going. She was concerned that I might be “misled”. I used to be atheist, but now I’m not, but I’m certainly not religious either. I’m not really in between. Rather it’s a whole new category. So when I discuss spiritual matters with my atheist friends and family, they disagree with me. And when I discuss it with my religious friends, they also disagree with me.

Finally, health-wise I’m in the minority of people who understand that if you say you’re too tired to do something, even though you weren’t too tired for it yesterday, then you really are too tired and not just being lazy or difficult. I’m in the minority of people who suffer from CFS. Most people truly do not understand what it is like to have a debilitating condition such as CFS, MS or FM, and sufferers often feel judged and misunderstood. In fact, having such a condition does not only affect your physical body. It affects your whole life, from how you see the world, to how you see yourself, your confidence and self-esteem. It affects body, mind and soul. But that is a topic for another day.

So, I am beginning to come to the realization, that maybe, just maybe I’m not meant to be one of those people that comfortably slip into the background, being part of the majority. Sometimes it can feel frustrating and quite frankly a bit lonely, being of the minority opinion in a certain matter. Sometimes I think, I’m an intelligent person, why can’t people just for once understand and agree with me? But maybe that is not my faith. Maybe I’m just meant to be one of those people that push the boundaries of our perception of the world. And maybe you are too.

Health & Happiness,


Why am I feeling better lately?…

Hello all,

I have been feeling better lately, as my family and friends will attest to. So what’s changed? I am not sure, but I can tell you what I’ve been doing differently.

As my fellow CFS “experiencers” will know, we tend to be trying several different things at once, because if we had to wait and see with each treatment we simply would never find the right cure. It would just take too long. And even us CFS-ers do run out of patience eventually.

So as I have been unwell for quite a while I stopped changing things systematically a long time ago.

Lately I’ve had more energy to do things for longer. I’ve been going out more during the day, and I’m able to spend more time on the computer (which earlier I couldn’t stand for more than a few minutes). I’m going to tell you what I’ve changed around the same time I started feeling a bit better.

Here’s what I’ve changed:

1. I saw my kinesiologist, and we discovered I had a core belief that no matter what I do and how hard I try, I’ll never get there (e.g. get well, be happy etc). She worked on this in the session

2. I attended a Healing Prayer session at a Christian church, where I’m in a small room with 3 other people and they all pray for me to heal, out loud. I’m not religious, so this was a new experience for me. But I’m open to trying anything that may help.

3. I changed my supplements. I was taking a wide mix of vitamins and minerals which my doctor had asked me to take. While I do feel I really need them, I was concerned that my liver wasn’t coping with all the synthetic stuff I was taking. I had the darkest circles under my eyes, that only seemed to get worse. So I changed from synthetics to taking natural foods high in nutrients. Superfoods. I’m now taking: Spirullina, Lecithin (German), Kelp, Chlorella/chlorophyll, Brewer’s Yeast, and Psyllium Husks. I also have lemon juice in warm water every morning before breakfast. My naturopath says it’s like a shower for your insides, and very good for liver function. I tried taking all these things in powder form as I wanted it as pure and natural as possible, but found the taste to off-putting, so I now take them in tablets.

4. I started going for days trips with a friend. The friend will drive and I make sure I have all the food I could possibly need (I have gluten and dairy intolerances to keep in mind). I only do this excursions with friends I KNOW understand me and what I am able to do, so I don’t have to feel bad about bossing them around, e.g. if I suddenly need to stop, or lie down or go home etc.

5. Started doing some very light no pressure socializing with small groups of friends. Like a after dinner tea and cake at a friends place with four people in total, for a couple of hours. I find the social stimulation has been great.

6. I get out of the house more. As I feel well enough to drive a little I’ll visit somewhere low key like the park, or an organic store I like. I stay away from busy or noisy places with crowds. I find that on days that I leave the house for some errand or activity, I usually have more energy. I don’t find this with just taking a walk, as physical activity still drains me too much.

7. I’ve reconnected with my childhood life e.g. by looking up YouTube videos of shows I used to watch, which is when I remember being well. And I’ve reconnected with old friends using Facebook.

8. I’ve been singing more

9. I’ve been trying to spend more time with animals. I just love animals and every time I spend some time with one whether it’s a dog or a horse or a caterpillar, I always feel a little better and lighter and happier. Try it!

10. I also recently had a really bad day (see “Understand me…on a bad day” under Main Posts), and as I was in front of the computer at the time I started writing about it, and as I was writing I started crying. And the crying became louder and louder and more gut wrenching. It just poured out of me, and when it started slowing down I pushed to get it all out. I went to have a shower and continued crying until I got out. I felt depressed and hopeless. It was a bad day. But in writing about it and I mean really writing about it, not holding anything back, in really expressing how I felt and that I’d really had enough, I felt some relief. There was some power behind it. Perhaps this helped to unblock me also.

11. I had a good session with my psychosynthesis therapist, in which I imagined vomiting up all the emotional pain inside me, the people from my past that had hurt me in some way. This was very freeing. I also imagined myself burying my true self, literally standing over my own grave. That also strengthened my resolve to get my real self back, to find it again, to free it, to free myself.

12. I started using Australian Bush Flower Essences. I found a website where you could pick your own essence combination intuitively by looking at a a full list of the actual flowers. They’re really beautiful by the way. From the flowers I was most drawn to I chose a selection and ordered it. (Go to I’ve since bought several other essences and continued to use them.

13. I started a new herbal potion as prescribed by my naturopath. It contains Withania, Zizyphus, Silybum, Gotu Cola, and Licorice.

Any of these things could be behind my improvement; many of them could be a result of more energy, rather than the cause. But in general I think they’re all making me feel better. If I had to guess I’d say the change in supplements is what’s made the biggest difference. I’m by no means cured, but I do feel better and I’m able to do more fun things.

Health & Happiness,
